Saving Trees During Construction
Increasingly, builders are seeking to retain mature trees as part of the landscaping around new homes and buildings, but many such trees are lost during and after the construction process. If good tree specimens already exist on your property, you can increase their chances of survival by being aware of how trees grow, especially under the ground. Then, by marking and protecting trees during construction, you will be able to enjoy beautiful, healthy trees in the years after.

Design to Save Trees
The most effective way to save trees during construction is to carefully site buildings, roads and driveways, utility lines, and other features so that they avoid the trees you most want to save. Follow these steps:
- On a plat of your property, show the location of trees that are most important to you.
- Consider these trees in deciding the location of the house, garage, driveway, walks, patio, and other features.
- Stake out the location of these improvements to give you a better idea how they will affect the trees when they are built. Sometimes changing the angle of a building or curving a walk can preserve the root space of a prized tree.
Protect Trees During Construction
Mark and Fence Trees — If you expect to save trees, be sure they are clearly marked and your desires are clearly communicated to contractors. Build temporary fences of brightly colored or flagged material so that construction workers can clearly see zones from which equipment must be kept clear.
Protect Trees — Modern construction equipment can quickly damage tree bark or compact soil to the point where your prized trees’ roots are starved of oxygen and moisture. Make sure that no one operates equipment within the drip lines of trees you are trying to save.
Not Too Close …
Cutting into the tree’s roots, compacting the soil over roots, or changing the ground level around a tree during construction are three of the most common causes of tree damage or death.
Tree Well
A stone well can help keep soil near the trunk at the original level. For fill beyond the well use only light, porous, gravelly soil out to the tree’s drip line, never exceeding six inches in depth.
Retaining Wall
A tree’s roots can extend far beyond the limits of its canopy. If a change in grade is necessary, build a retaining wall at a distance where you can save as many of the roots as possible.
Maintain Trees After Construction
To help your trees stay healthy, provide adequate water during dry spells both during and after construction. Soil should be moistened to a depth of approximately 12 to 18 inches. If pruning is needed, follow common pruning guidelines or seek professional help from a local arborist.